trav-el (tr"vPl)
v., -eled, -el-ingesp. Brit.
) -elled, -el-ling,
n., adj. v.i. to go
from one place to another, as
by car, train, plane, or ship;
take a trip; journey: to
travel for pleasure. Basketball.
walk (def. 9). to move in
a fixed course, as a piece of
mechanism. v.t. adj.
used or designed for use while
a travel alarm clock.
[1325-75; ME (north and Scots),
orig. the same word as travail
(by shift ""to toil,
labor'' > ""to
make a laborious journey'')]trav'el-a-ble,
adj.a travel alarm clock.
[1325-75; ME (north and Scots),
orig. the same word as travail
(by shift ""to toil,
labor'' > ""to
make a laborious journey'')]trav'el-a-ble,